By Dan Soslowsky:

A modern-day miracle occurred at Greenfield Senior High School on Thursday, February 11th when Pre-Calculus teacher Mrs. Williams made an offhand comment to her virtual learning students, recommending that they go outside and take advantage of the rare sunny weather. Then, she opted not to pivot into her regular routine of taking the class six minutes over the scheduled end time to explain a long homework assignment and their three upcoming exams.
Instead, she politely told the students that she would assign less homework for the day and let them leave a couple minutes early so that they would indeed have ample time to go outside and be active, per her recommendation.
“It was a refreshing break from the norm,” said sophomore Nate Bartley, “a teacher saying we should go outside and then actually giving us time to do so is not something you see everyday.” Bartley spent his extra time playing Angry Birds 2 on his phone at his desk chair with the windows closed.
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