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By Cyrus Sarfaty

Have you ever felt that the world was not complete? Are other nations desperately needing your country's influence?

Introducing Hegémon... the trading card game with only one superpower: YOU.

Every player starts out as a fledgling low-income nation, rife with political instability and subpar natural resource reserves. They speak their own unique language and practice one-of-a-kind cultural traditions that are "foreign" to all others, competitors on the international arena or not. Play wisely, and your nation will evolve into a HEGÉMON, after climbing up the ranks from Least Developed to Partially Developed to Highly Developed. After you have fortified your nation internally, you can spread its influence to nations with lower HP by trading country cards. Make your HP high enough, and you can even bypass international legislation to evolve into the ultimate manifestation: Pariah State, whose cultural norms clash with global standards but won't ever change accordingly!

Collect and trade sector cards to gain control of...

  • GDP!

  • Military!

  • Natural Resources!

  • Political Values!

  • Relativistic Norms!

If you have the same HP as another nation, that means it's time for an INTERSTATE CONFLICT! Break out the diplomacy first, but if your Soft Power Points (strengthened by Diplomacius, Brando, Netflicxz, GoodGovertron, and Mega GoodGovertron cards) aren't any match for your rival nation, that means it's time to resort to Hard Power (strengthened by Missilo, GroundInvageon, Tanky, and only in the rarest cases, Nuclearb).

Still not convinced? Read these testimonials by some of the game's biggest fans! HÉGEMON is more than a game... it's a way of life!

"HEGÉMON taught me that you should never ask before you act... just put yourself out there and make everyone else follow you! When I stole all the milk cartons from the 'cool' table in the cafeteria, I was just letting them know I meant business." -Sydney, age 7

"Without HEGÉMON, I wouldn't have felt so comfortable gaslighting my friends into bailing me out after I forgot to do my math homework! They thought it was a waste of their time, but we all knew they had no choice in the matter."

-Robbie, age 12

Even nerdy man-children who love in their mother's basement have something to say:

"HEGÉMON taught me to care about myself firtht and foremotht, and only then remember that other people exitht. That'th why I never hold the door open for anyone, regardleth of age. Thtop weaning on my teat, lootherth!"

-Jonathan, age 31

HEGÉMON... Gotta trash 'em all!


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