By Anita Pan
How to Write High School Poetry
By Anita Pan
begin with a lack of capitalizing
and avoid using periods—
if everything feels rushed or breathless
it means you’re doing great
and don’t forget to make
strange stylistic choices
where the words go,
Fearlessly defying
both common sense and
the poor reader’s eyeballs
(Cause if their heads don’t rotate by 360º,
it’s not real poetry).
Now in the main bits—you’ll want to cry
‘bout tried-and-true topics, like
being the second choice
or your parents not loving you
or the “inevitable passage of time”
Before ending the damn thing.
cathartically. emotionally. unapologetically.
by asking bad rhetorical questions
and adding random “...”s while you’re at it,
for instance:
“what the hell am I doing here...?”
Or, “i don’t belong here...”.
Thus, in conclusion,
Radiohead references aside,
here’s a foolproof template
for writing some epic
high school poetry
hell, you don’t even have to end with a period