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I Lost My Phone. Twice.

By Kaavya Shah

Indeed, the rumors are true. I have no idea how you even manage to lose your phone twice in one hour, but I did it. I expect to see a letter from the Guinness World Record soon. Maybe I’ll even end up beating my own record because if I can lose something as important as my phone twice in one hour – at a public high school, mind you – I feel like I can do anything. Just not my calculus homework, though. I don’t know about that one. Anyway, perhaps I should stop beating around the bush and tell you about how I managed to achieve such a feat.

Wednesday, November 20th

12:31 pm

Incredibly specific time, I know, but my classes end at really weird times. Homeroom can’t end at 11:00 am because that would be too boring. Instead, homeroom has to end at 11:03. First period ends at 9:22, because what lunatic would make a class end at a nice time like 9:20? That’s just how my school works and is the reason why lunch ends at 12:31. So, there we are, right after lunch. I’ve just said goodbye to my friends and I’m walking to class by myself when I realize:        

“Where the heck is my phone?”

Now, I remain relatively calm about the situation. I know one of the janitors had to have brought it to the main office, so that’s where I went to check. Luckily, they had my phone. Unluckily, my little trip to the main office made me two minutes late to last period, where I had to tell my very suspicious teacher that I was late because I lost my phone, to which he looked down at my hand and responded:

“It’s right there.”

Yes! Yes, it is right there! Maybe I should’ve put my phone in my bag so my reasoning was a little more believable. Even though I was telling the truth, it sure sounded like a big fat lie. 

“Well that’s not THAT bad! You found your phone in like five minutes, you’re just being dramatic,” I hear you say. Well, I haven’t even told you about the second time I lost my phone, so hold your complaints for one more page. 

Wednesday, November 20th

1:16 pm

The final bell rings, marking the end of the school day. I get on the bus and put in my AirPods. Little did I know, when I reached into my pocket to get my phone, it would not be there. My eyes went wild with panic. I looked fiercely out the window like someone was just going to show up with my phone in their hands. I slapped my forehead, hoping it was all just a dream. Many thoughts rushed into my head at that moment, one of the highlights being, Should I text my mom? Which was a rather fantastic thought, except for the fact that I couldn’t actually do that, because I was lacking the proper facilities. So what happens when a teenager is without a phone for a majority of the day? Well, besides having a remarkable average screen time of 20 minutes, they finish their homework in record time, drink the recommended amount of water and are overall generally productive. Who would’ve thought? 

The next day, I went to the main office to get my phone back, and I literally kept it zipped up in my bag the whole day. I didn’t even take it out once. The scar of losing my phone twice was still there, and I didn’t really trust myself enough to not do it again. As I’m writing this about a week later, I’m proud to announce that I know exactly where my phone is. I think.


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